11 Reasons Why Your Dirt Bike Won’t Start

Dirt bikes are a lot of fun, but they can be frustrating when they won't start. There can be many reasons your dirt bike won't start, and it can be challenging to diagnose the problem. In this blog post, we will discuss ten common reasons dirt bikes don't start and provide tips on troubleshooting these problems.
What Does It Mean When Your Dirt Bike Doesn't Start?
When your dirt bike doesn't start, it could mean that the engine isn't getting enough fuel, air, or spark. Various issues, such as clogged carburetors, faulty electrical components, and worn-out spark plugs, can cause this problem. Here are some of the most common reasons why your dirt bike might not start.
1. Gas Tank Is Empty
One of the most common reasons dirt bikes won't start is that they run out of fuel. Make sure to check the gas tank before attempting to start the bike.
2. Faulty Spark Plug
If your spark plug is faulty, it can prevent your dirt bike from starting up. Check for any signs of damage or corrosion on the spark plug and replace the new spark plug if necessary. You should also inspect the spark plug cap for any signs of damage.
3. Bad Battery
A bad battery is another potential cause for a non-starting dirt bike. Batteries can become worn or damaged over time, so make sure to test yours regularly and replace them as needed.
4. Old Gasoline
If you haven’t used your dirt bike in a while, the gas line in the tank may have gone bad. Old gas can clog up small engine parts, causing them not to work correctly.
5. Clogged Air Filter
If your air filter is clogged or dirty, it won’t be able to get enough air into the carburetor and engine, resulting in your dirt bike not starting up. Make sure to clean or replace your air filter regularly.
6. Faulty Ignition Coil
The ignition coil supplies electricity to the spark plug and is necessary for a dirt bike to run correctly. If yours is faulty, it could prevent your motorcycle from starting up.
7. Broken Kill Switch
The kill switch is a safety device that cuts the power to the engine when it is switched off. If the kill switch is broken, your dirt bike won’t be able to start up.
8. Clogged Carburetor
A clogged or dirty carburetor can prevent fuel from reaching the engine, which will cause your bike not to start up. Make sure to clean and adjust your carburetor regularly for optimal performance.
9. Low Oil Level
If you have been riding your dirt bike hard and have yet to check its oil level, it might be too low for the engine to run correctly. Check the oil level before attempting to start the motorcycle.
10. Engine Lockup
The last potential cause of a non-starting dirt bike is engine lockup. This can be caused by a faulty starter motor or damaged internal components and will require professional repair.
11. Faulty Wiring
Faulty wiring can prevent power from reaching the engine and spark plug. If you've recently done any work on your bike's electrical system, check the wiring to ensure everything is connected correctly.
What Could Be The Problem If Your Dirt Bike Won't Start?
There can be many potential causes for a non-starting dirt bike, ranging from an empty fuel tank to a faulty spark plug. Dirt bike rider, remember to check all these potential causes before you give up hope. It is essential to troubleshoot the problem and identify the cause before attempting any repairs, as this will ensure you are fixing the right issue. If you cannot diagnose the problem yourself, it is best to take your dirt bike to a professional mechanic who can help you find a solution.
Although dirt bikes can be frustrating when they won't start, knowing some common causes can make diagnosing the problem easier and getting back out on the trails! With regular maintenance and some troubleshooting skills, your dirt bike can run smoothly in no time.
How To Troubleshoot A Dirt Bike That Won't Start?
If you’re having trouble getting your dirt bike to start, here are some tips to help diagnose the problem:
- Check the fuel level in your gas tank and make sure it is complete.
- Inspect all spark plugs for signs of damage or corrosion and replace them if necessary. You should also inspect the spark plug, boot, and cap.
- Test your battery with a multimeter to determine if it needs to be replaced.
- Replace old gasoline in the tank with fresh gas before starting the bike again. You should also replace fuel line filters.
- Clean or replace the air filter as needed, and adjust the carburetor for optimal performance.
- Check that the kill switch is working correctly, and inspect the ignition coil for any signs of damage.
- Ensure the oil level is sufficient and top up if needed.
- Inspect the starter motor for any signs of damage or wear and have it serviced or replaced as required.
With these tips, you should be able to find the cause of your dirt bike not starting and resolve the issue quickly so you can get back out on the trails!
How Do You Force Start A Dirt Bike?
If you are in a situation where you need to force-start your dirt bike, here are some tips to get it running again:
- Ensure the fuel tank is full and all spark plugs are working correctly.
- Push the motorcycle forward until it gains enough momentum to start up on its own, or pop-start it by pedaling quickly with the clutch engaged.
- If these methods don't work, try using a power drill attached to the engine's crankshaft to give it an extra boost.
Forcing a dirt bike to start can be dangerous, so ensure that you take adequate safety precautions when attempting this method. Flooded dirt bike engines can also be challenging to start, so it may be necessary to use a spark plug wrench or the power drill method.
Wrapping Up
Dirt bikes are a lot of fun, but they can be incredibly frustrating when they won't start. Many issues, ranging from an empty fuel tank to faulty electrical components, could cause your dirt bike not to start. By following the troubleshooting tips above, you should be able to diagnose and repair the issue quickly so you can get back out on the trails. Before hitting those trails, make sure you check out Lion Parts for all your dirt bike and outdoor part needs!