Amber vs. White Fog Lights

Amber vs. White Fog Lights

Amber vs. White Fog Lights

When adding fog lights to a vehicle, the primary consideration is to choose between amber or white. So which one is the best? This article will discuss the pros and cons of each type of fog light and help you decide which one is right for you.

What Are Fog Lights

Fog lights are a great way to improve the visibility of your vehicle in foggy or otherwise impaired conditions. Often, LED and halogen fog lights are available, both emitting a yellow light that can penetrate through fog, rain, and snow with greater power than regular headlights.


LED fog lights also provide better durability, as they last longer than their counterparts in halogen forms. Though it may be tempting to install blue-tinted or yellow-tinted aftermarket led fog lights, it is essential to remember that only plain white led and halogen lights are permitted for highway use, as these colors could be mistaken for emergency vehicles by other drivers.

What Is Amber Light

Amber fog lights are designed to emit slightly less light than traditional white headlights and fog lamps. This is because the human eye can perceive more of the yellower wavelengths that come from this type of illumination in foggy conditions. As a result, fog visibility is improved, making it easier for drivers to see where they are going and react quickly.

What Are White Fog Lights

White fog lights are high-powered white LED lights that produce white light with a bluish tint. They provide significantly better illumination and visibility than standard white lights, especially in poor weather conditions like fog. As a result, white fog lights help to improve driver safety by allowing them to see immediately ahead and spot upcoming obstacles more effectively in low-visibility situations. Additionally, white fog lights give a vehicle a more modern look, as the sharp white light stands out from the typical yellowish tint of white light headlights.

The Difference Between Amber And White Fog Lights

When driving during a foggy day, having the right set of lights can make all the difference. While yellow fog lights and white fog lights both provide illumination when driving in limited visibility, they each offer their advantages. Yellow fog lights are great for improving visibility as they cut through the fog and often provide superior results over regular headlights.


The yellow tint also helps to reduce glare on other drivers, making them less likely to be blinded by your vehicle’s lighting. On the other hand, white fog lights are best for creating an overall diffused light that disperses more evenly, which allows for better navigation when driving through unfamiliar areas at night. So depending on the particular environment you're driving in, each choice can contribute to greater safety and convenience.

Pros Of Amber Light

Amber lights are integral to everyday life, especially in traffic-heavy areas. Not only do they help drivers to maintain a safe and organized flow of vehicles on the road, but they also act as a warning system for drivers to slow down. Crossing at intersections is much safer, as amber lights alert drivers of their approaching turn and avoid potential collisions with other motorists.


Additionally, amber lights effectively allow pedestrians to cross through intersections safely by slowing down oncoming vehicles. The presence of these practical devices has created a shared understanding and helps reduce the number of accidents that occur every day due to human error.

Cons of Amber Light

Amber light is a better choice when drivers need a light that can deeply penetrate conditions with low visibility. But the main trade-off is that amber light doesn’t appear as bright to the human eye as white light.


While amber lights offer a more penetrating vision of the road ahead, white lights will create a brighter immediate field of view, which may best suit the most common conditions for headlights on a given day.

Pros Of White Fog Light

White fog lights are an excellent choice for drivers who want to improve the immediate field of view with the brightest possible light. White fog lights also consume less power than yellow ones, making them an economical choice for drivers looking to save on electricity costs. Finally, white fog lights are attractive and stylish, adding aesthetic appeal to your vehicle that stands out from the crowd. 

Cons White Fog Light

White fog lights have become increasingly popular among drivers looking to enhance their vehicles' appearance and visibility. However, white fog lights also have several drawbacks; they produce more glare than their yellow counterparts, reducing visibility when driving in foggy conditions.


This type of light can reduce the ability of drivers to see clearly during low-light situations like night driving or inclement weather. Additionally, some states have started to outlaw white fog lights since they can distract other drivers. While white fog lights may give your vehicle a more stylish aesthetic, they have significant tradeoffs that may outweigh their appeal.

Final Thoughts

Whether you're choosing between amber and white fog lights, there are both advantages and disadvantages to consider. Ultimately, the best choice depends on your individual needs and driving conditions. LionParts makes it easy to search by make and model for various lights and other useful products! It is up to you as a driver to decide what works best for your needs and preferences on the road. So choose wisely and drive carefully!