Yellow Fog Lights: Legal Or Illegal?

Yellow Fog Lights: Legal Or Illegal?

When driving in foggy conditions, headlights are a necessity. However, you may consider using fog lights when the conditions are severe. Fog lights are designed to help improve visibility in poor conditions. They emit a yellow light, which helps to cut through the fog. 

In some states, using yellow fog lights while driving is illegal. In other states, it is legal, but only for certain vehicles. This blog post will discuss the legality of yellow fog lights and offer guidance to make a more informed decision.


(Disclaimer: do not consider this legal advice. Always check on local laws and guidelines.)

What Are Fog Lights?

Fog lights are vehicle lighting specifically designed to reduce the effects of fog, mist, and dust. These lights are positioned lower than your headlights and pointed slightly downward to help you see the road more clearly under these conditions. The light emitted by fog lights is also typically a yellow or amber hue, which helps to reduce glare in certain weather conditions.

The Different Types Of Fog Lights

Fog lights are an invaluable safety feature used to aid the visibility of the road in foggy conditions. But did you know that there are several different types of fog lights? First, you have halogen fog lights that use bulbs filled with halogen gas enclosed by a quartz element for lighting purposes. These are still one of the most popular types available as they provide a decent amount of light brightness at a relatively low cost.


The other main type is HID (High-Intensity Discharge) fog lamps which create light through electricity to ignite xenon-filled bulbs instead of quartz-like halogen bulbs. The HID units offer an exceptional level of road illumination but come at quite a premium. Ultimately the choice between Halogen and HID systems comes down to what you prefer in terms of driving comfort, visibility, and price.

Are Yellow Fog Lights Legal?

The answer is not as straightforward as one might think. Depending on the specific location and vehicle, yellow-lighted fog lamps may or may not be legal. In some areas, they are allowed if they do not interfere with other drivers' vision. However, in others, their use is prohibited altogether.


In the United States, for example, most states allow the use of yellow lights under certain conditions. The most common situation is that they must remain off at all times except when visibility from regular headlights is reduced due to foggy conditions or other inclement weather events. Some states also require that non-standard headlights, such as yellow led fog lights, be covered or turned off while driving during daylight hours. This means you should have your fog lights off during the day unless visibility is impaired.


In Europe, regulations vary from country to country. Still, yellow fog lights are typically allowed as long as they are used only in adverse weather conditions and do not blind oncoming drivers. It’s important to note that some countries also impose additional restrictions, such as having a low-beam setting for fog lights or limiting their use on certain roads.

It's important to always check with your local laws before installing new aftermarket components such as yellow fog lights onto your vehicle. This will help ensure you remain safe and avoid fines for breaking the law. Although it may be legal to use yellow fog lights in some cases, it is still advisable to take extra care when using them and always drive with caution.

How To Install Fog Lights

Installing fog lights is a relatively simple but essential step to have clear visibility in poor weather and reduce the risk of road accidents. To install fog lights, start by ensuring that the fog light switch is off, then locate the vehicle's wiring harness and the corresponding connectors for the fog lights.


Next, attach each fog light with its respective mounting screws and make sure each one is secure. Afterward, plug each wire connector into the wiring harness and switch on the fog light switch for them to work correctly. Remember to align the fog lights according to your vehicle manufacturer's specifications and adjust their angle precisely if necessary. With these steps completed, you should have successfully installed your fog lights!


Can You Change The Color Of The Fog Lights?

Fortunately, it is possible to change the color of these fog lights to make them stand out more and provide increased safety. Many cars come with yellow or white fog lights. However, you can easily change them to blue or purple for a unique look. This process often isn't complicated and can typically be done at home with a few standard tools and the correct bulb, allowing you to customize your vehicle based on your design goals. So whether you are looking for something different than traditional colors or want improved night visibility, changing the color of your fog lights may offer a solution.

Benefits Of Using Fog Lights

Fog lights offer several benefits to drivers, including improved visibility during inclement weather or low-light conditions. They emit a bright yellow light that helps increase visibility and contrast in thick fog, so drivers can stay focused on the road ahead without losing sight of their surroundings. This is especially beneficial for drivers who are often traveling in foggy conditions.

Fog lights also make it easier to spot other vehicles, pedestrians, and animals on the road during low-light conditions. The yellow light emitted from the fog lights helps to make these objects more visible, preventing potential collisions caused by poor visibility. Additionally, the bright light can help alert other drivers of your presence and increase their reaction time if they need to take evasive action. Check out our article on amber versus white fog lights!

Final Words

When it comes to yellow fog lights, the legality will vary depending on the region. In some areas, they are considered illegal for their use in emergency vehicles only, while other places allow them under specific regulations and rules. Be sure to check with your local laws before installing any set of yellow fog lights onto your vehicle. Doing so could save you many fines and headaches in the long run. Do your research thoroughly and ensure you comply with all state laws before making any decisions!